Happy Easter!

I hope everyone has enjoyed Easter Sunday. Easter egg hunts are probably well past done, along with the aroma of delicious holiday foods cooking in the background. Some folks may also have gone to church, to give thanks for what Easter represents and enjoy beautiful musical celebrations of praise. For those that don’t celebrate in a religious manner, I hope you enjoyed your families, friends, food, and fun. Our youngest woke us up surprisingly late this morning, a very unusual occurrence for any holiday. Never expecting her to sleep so late, I didn’t set an alarm and we missed church. … Continue reading

Cute Ideas for Kid’s Rooms

Quite often, I come across really cute stuff that just inspires ideas for home decorating. Some ideas are inspired by crafts, clothing, and more, while others are basically new ways to implement other decorating ideas. Here are some examples that can be used for cute accents in kid’s rooms: Fresh as a Daisy I saw a cute craft project the other day, one to make a spring cap for a little girl. It was a simple baseball cap, covered with brightly colored felt flowers and buttons. It made me think of doing something similar for a décor element in a … Continue reading

Home Design Trends—Where Do We Go From Here?

There’s nothing like starting your new year out with a home-improvement look that’s on it’s way out. I’ve spent the last week or so discussing decorating trends. I was inspired by a friend who recently created an interior masterpiece (and she doesn’t complain when I come over and drool on her newly tiled floors). My friend is not the only one jumping on the remodeling bandwagon. According to research conducted by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, in the past decade, almost 30 million homes have been “significantly upgraded.” The study revealed that the fastest-growing segment of the market … Continue reading

Return of the Area Rug

In a previous blog I told you about how shag carpeting was making a comeback. Personally, I have never been a fan of the furry carpeting, so it’s a trend I wouldn’t consider incorporating into my home’s décor. However, there is another trend in flooring that interests me very much—-area rugs. Research shows that area rugs are growing in popularity and are becoming more than just room “accessories.” An increasing amount of homeowners are using area rugs to divide a room or define a space within a larger room. For example, if you live in a studio apartment, an area … Continue reading

Who Knew Shag Carpet Would Make A Comeback?

If you have pets or kids (or both) then your flooring likely takes a daily beating. I know this for a fact. Despite the fact we have a no-shoes policy in our home, our 2.5-year-old carpet is already riddled with Play-Doh scars, matchbox car tracks, and the occasional Sharpie stain (don’t ask). This, of course, is very disconcerting for me since I recently learned that savvy homeowners are treating their floors as a fifth wall. According to interior designers, floors have become a huge element in design and in the resale of a home. In fact, in 2005, more than … Continue reading

Types Of Pillows

In previous blogs I discussed different types of pillow fill material and what pillows can help allergy sufferers get a good night’s sleep. This blog is dedicated to the different types of pillows that you wouldn’t necessarily use to get some serious zzz’s, but are wonderful additions to your home’s décor nonetheless. Decorative Pillows. My mom is a nut for deco pillows, especially in the bedroom. (My poor dad spends about 10 minutes each night removing deco pillows from his side of the bed. She has so many deco pillows it’s hard to tell there’s a mattress underneath. My 2-year-old … Continue reading

The Right Pillow For Allergy Sufferers

In a previous blog I provided tips on replacing your worn bed pillows. I also listed various types of filling the majority of pillow manufacturers use. If you suffer from allergies (like me) than finding the right pillow fill material is critical to achieving a good night’s sleep. Shortly after undergoing sinus surgery I found I was even more sensitive to allergens so my mom went out and bought every kind of “alternative-fill” pillow that existed. (I felt like Goldilocks trying to find just the right one—this one is too soft… this one is too hard… you get the idea.) … Continue reading

Picking The Right Pillow

Are you picky about the type of pillow you rest your head on? Some people love big, fluffy pillows, while others can’t sleep on anything but firm, dense pillows. I happen to have severe sinus issues, which means I sleep on a firm, hypoallergenic pillow. Most people have pillow preferences, but are unclear as to when it is necessary to replace their beloved bedtime buddies. If you fall into that category, here’s a test you can give your pillows: Place your pillow on a sturdy surface (the floor is best) and fold it in half. If you have a feather … Continue reading

Home Décor—Valentine’s Day Flowers

Traditionally, one doesn’t decorate one’s house with dozens of flowers in preparation for Valentine’s Day (unless you are hosting a party or are wealthy). Rather, most of us wait to see if our special someone hand delivers the goods on the big day. (This tradition can lead to disappointment if you were expecting flowers and receive a card, candy, or gulp, a blender instead.) Let’s face it; flowers make for a much more attractive table centerpiece than a household appliance. Still not convinced flowers are the way to go this Valentine’s Day? Consider this: According to the Society of American … Continue reading

Lighting and Your Home: The Master Bedroom

I am a lighting fiend. I blame it on my poor vision. For years I suffered from frequent headaches, eyestrain, and yes, on one occasion I accidentally paired navy blue shoes with black pants (and that was with my contacts on). I finally determined I am someone who functions better with proper lighting. It may sound cliché, but don’t underestimate the proper placement of lighting in your home. It can save you from sore eyes and some most embarrassing fashion disasters. My ophthalmologist provided me with the following preferred placement measurements for different lights: A General Rule to Remember: For … Continue reading