A Christmas Movie To Share with Your Loved One

‘Every Christmas should contain at least one soppy Christmas movie,’ my husband said as we perused the shelves of the video shop. We opted for ‘The Christmas Cottage.’ The alternative title is ‘Home for Christmas.’ When you’re not feeling well as Mick hasn’t been, the last thing you need is something heavy. Sometimes a piece of light entertainment is exactly what’s called for. Mick isn’t a fan of stories based on true life events but for some reason the blurb about this one appealed to both of us. It is about the artist Thomas Kincade The only actors we knew … Continue reading

Does it Feel Like Christmas at Your House?

It is definitely starting to feel more like Christmas around here, especially now that we have a few more presents under the tree. Whew! I was getting nervous. There are only 15 days left and there were only a few lonely gifts peeking out. My husband and I did some shopping yesterday and crossed a few more items off our list. We got some great deals. I’ll be wrapping the latest gifts and putting them under the tree while the kids are at school Monday. My husband and I were worn out after shopping, but it was fun spending the … Continue reading