How Often Do You Use Your Home Gym?

Remember when you bought that new treadmill, a set of free weights, and the aerobics step, and you vowed to exercise every day? How’s that working out for you? Have your fitness investments paid off? If your treadmill is being used more as a clothes rack and those free weights are doubling as doorstops, you aren’t alone. According to a new study, expectations of our behavior often don’t match reality. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison say they have uncovered a specific process that they believe contributes to unrealistic optimism. What’s more, the scientists say they are eager to make … Continue reading

The Benefits of Refurbished Equipment

Are you planning to set up a home gym? Does your homeowner’s community center want to add a self-service fitness center? Our local clubhouse (provided by the HoA) is considering outfitting a small, do it yourself gym area that only the homeowners can use for a nominal fee. I sent in a few suggestions and I wanted to share a few with you. You can save yourself a lot of money by keeping an eye out for refurbished equipment. Why Refurbished Equipment? Commercial equipment is far sturdier than your standard home gym equipment. Why? Commercial equipment is designed to be … Continue reading

If You Had A Thousand Dollars…

Fitness magazine recently polled readers and asked them what they would do if they had a thousand dollars to spend on fitness. Nearly half of the respondents would hand the money over to a personal trainer in order to get some motivation and personal attention for their workouts. Survey results included: 45% of respondents picked the personal trainer. 38% of respondents would buy a fancy piece of home gym equipment. 13% would take off on some sort of fitness adventure, like a hike or a mountain climb. 4% of respondents would use their thousand dollars to pay for a gym … Continue reading

Consider Refurbished Equipment

When it comes to setting up your home gym or a community gym as part of a homeowner’s project, you may consider investing into refurbished equipment. Refurbished equipment provides you with health club quality gym equipment at a fraction of the price. Let’s be honest, commercial equipment is designed to be used by hundreds of people on a daily basis. So you may not necessarily need commercial quality equipment for your home gym. However, if you were setting up a gym in your local community center or in your garage – the price of refurbished equipment may make it far … Continue reading

Nordic Track CXT – Elliptical Trainer Review

I promised you some Elliptical Trainer reviews and here is the first one. I was doing some web surfing this morning to price compare and I found the Nordic Track CXT 910 at The auction was coming to a close, but the elliptical trainer sold for around $350 though it retails at $600. The fact that it was a good deal got my attention right away, so I did some investigating. First and foremost, Nordic Track is an excellent name in fitness equipment. It’s got a lot of name recognition going for it. I called one of my local … Continue reading

Setting Up a Home Gym?

So you want to set up your own home gym. For a lot of us, the home gym is the ideal way to tackle our fitness and exercise needs. Frankly, the home gym is more accessible, we don’t have to worry about dues and for those of us with young children, we don’t have to worry about childcare. The problem with a home gym is what do you buy? How do you set it up? Do you spend two thousand dollars on a Bowflex? Another 1000 on a high end treadmill? And even more on a free weight system? What … Continue reading

I Like to Work Out at Home

I like working out at home. Gyms are okay, but frankly I like the freedom that working out at home gives me. But before you go out and invest in exercise equipment (which frankly, can be pretty pricey) it’s important to judge whether or not the investment is good for you. But how do you judge the investment for yourself? First, make sure the equipment will help you with your fitness goals. Don’t invest in some over-priced gimmick. Exercise is neither effortless nor easy and there is no such thing as a spot reducing piece of equipment. If you’ve got … Continue reading

Are You Considering a Home Gym?

A home gym is a great investment for your health. However, it may not be the best way to spend your money or to utilize extra space, unless you are going to use both the equipment and the space regularly. Most people start out with good intentions, yet soon find that their exercise equipment collecting dust. Before you go all out and create an entire home gym, try purchasing one piece of equipment. Choose a machine or other fitness item that you think you will enjoy using. It is also a good idea to start out with equipment that is … Continue reading

What About the Bowflex System?

The Bowflex. You’ve heard of it. It’s one of the most enduring home fitness centers in the United States. Advertisements for it air on local television, in magazines and in email every day, week and month of the year. The Bowflex is the personalized home gym center. Make no mistake; a Bowflex for all its benefits is a hefty financial investment. The cost of the equipment ranges from $899 to $2299 in price. The prices reflect the different types of flexibility and exercises available to the different types of equipment. Bowflex understands that financial burdens and provides a financing option … Continue reading