Lighting For The Dining Room: Do You Dare?

Dining room lighting is almost always synonymous with chandeliers and so we will assume that all of you out there have one or aspire to have one. (Steal one from your neighbors, if you don’t. We want you to fit in.) For optimum results, and pleasing proportion, the bottom of the chandelier should be between thirty-six and forty-two inches from the tabletop. Don’t do like that old Clint Eastwood movie and hang em too high. The chandelier should also be on separate dimmers so that you can control the light level and mood. Don’t worry about hopes dimming as well … Continue reading

Candles In Your Home

Candles have been setting moods in the home of mankind for many centuries and almost every culture in every part of the world has used and enjoyed them. Candles signify many things to many people, all of which are warm and inviting. Whether they light the way to spiritual brightness or enhance the intimacy of a quiet dinner, candles are as much a part of our present lives as our historical past. To create a warm glow in any room, simply place candles all around it, encasing them in something safe, like glass globes or stemmed glasses. Be careful not … Continue reading

Lighting The Way For Guests

When is there too much light in a guest room and when is there not enough? Do you have to wait until someone bangs into something and breaks a toe before making a final evaluation of the situation? Well, Cheer up. The answer is go for more, lighten the way and keep on reading. To create a pleasant atmosphere, turn off the overheads and turn on the lamps. This is more intimate and conducive to conversation. If walls are deeply colored, at least three floor, table and wall lamps are recommended for the average size living room. When you buy … Continue reading