Home Blog Week in Review: December 8th Through December 14th

The tree is decorated and all of our holiday obligations are met. It is finally time to settle down in our home and enjoy the holidays. Here is a review of last week’s blog posts. December 8th Home Blog Week in Review: December 1st Through December 7th Today we finally made some real progress with decorating our home for Christmas. The holidays are here! You can expect many more posts about the holidays at home. Meanwhile, check out last week’s blog posts. December 9th How to Host a Yankee Swap If you don’t know what to do with that statue … Continue reading

Central Air Conditioning Units

Did you know that the size of the unit you choose to air condition your home is important? Probably, and most homeowners have a good idea what size is necessary to keep up with the demand for cooled air. The size can be determined fairly easily through measurements of BTUs or tons or the square footage of the home (one ton = 12,000 BTUs). However, did you also know that if you can’t find the “perfect” sized unit it is better to choose one a bit smaller than to get a central air unit that’s too large? I didn’t know … Continue reading

More New Year’s Resolutions For Homeowners

My brother and sister-in-law are beginning 2007 as first time home owners. In previous blogs I addressed the importance of developing a comprehensive household maintenance plan for the New Year if for no other reason than to avoid costly problems in the months to come. While it is a fantastic idea to give your home an annual physical and design a strategy to keep or whip your house into shape, it’s just as important to resolve to get your home finances in order, especially if you are like my brother and have recently bought a new home. Experts recommend you … Continue reading

Home Scents and Sense (Common and Non)

If guests are coming, the first thing to do after you panic is to air out the house. Nothing is a more pleasant fragrance than fresh air. (Avoid doing this if it is raining hard or snowing, but don’t think about that right now.) The thing about scents is that they need to be subtle in order to do their jobs best. A strong smell may wipe out lesser ones, but the one remaining can be even worse! A big bowl of potpourri on a lower shelf or floor does quiet little wonders. Fragrances like hot air, rises which can … Continue reading

Do You Keep Losing The Keys To Your Kingdom? (Or At Least To Your House?)

If you are anything like me, your keys must drive you nuts. Every time I enter my house, I vow to put them in the same place all the time. No matter how hard I try, they seem to have a mind of their own, which tells them to play hide and seek with me on most days of the week! Not only that, they seem to reproduce at night, keeping me always on the prowl for their mating grounds the next morning. I have tried hooks, counters, special dishes, duplicate sets of keys and absolutely nothing works. Duplicate sets … Continue reading