Mackie’s Tale

Today is National Homeless Animals Day, which was instituted by the International Society for Animal Rights. The ISAR will celebrate today with many organized candle vigils, but I’m going to do something a little different. For your enjoyment, here’s a short story I wrote based on a true story –that of my real life dog Mackie. Buster Beginnings I started life as Buster. The early weeks are fuzzy, but I’ve heard tell I came from a litter of five pups. When we turned two months old, we were sold to different homes. My First Home: The Millers My first family … Continue reading

National Homeless Animals Day 2007: Ways to Participate

Today is National Homeless Animals Day. The International Society for Animal Rights first held the day in 1992 to raise awareness about cat and dog overpopulation. (Their mission is to fight animal overpopulation and end the suffering animals endure because of it.) Since then it’s become a tradition to hold it on the third Saturday of August. With the exception of Budly, all the rest of my dogs —Mackie, then Tiger and Murphy –were homeless dogs rescued from shelters, or in Mackie’s case, from a vet who found him wandering the streets. My life with cats isn’t as extensive as … Continue reading