How Much Honesty in Marriage?

How much honesty should there be in a marriage? That’s one topic that has come up a couple of times recently in the forums and on comments on blogs. One of our members found out that her husband already had a child from another relationship while they were already together. Now she feels betrayed and wonders if she can trust her husband any more and whether her marriage has a future. This is one of those things that should have been mentioned well before the marriage. It is understandable too, that the person, whose spouse has been unfaithful and … Continue reading

A Completely Changed Life

After reading some of the forum posts by tmwhalens, I thought I’d share a story of lives and one marriage that has had more than the usual problems and every day hassles to overcome. Ron Brookman says when he first married he says ‘it was for all the wrong reasons.’ It was more about keeping up appearances and trying to subvert and hide his homosexuality. Ron had two children with his first wife. The marriage was dysfunctional and unhappy. After she left him, from time to time he visited places in search of a homosexual relationship. This was despite the … Continue reading

Do You Tell Your Husband How Much You Spend on Gifts?

It is the season for shopping. Everywhere that you look people are buying items and standing in checkout lines. Sale signs and coupons cover the newspapers. Almost every store on every corner can be seen full of shoppers. Customers dash in and out making their purchases. Many of the shoppers in the world are women. Of course most shopping this time of the year is for someone other than yourself. However, women have a tendency not to be able to pass up a good deal. With this, I wonder how much do the husbands of these women truly know about … Continue reading

But I Digress . . .

Arguments are never fair and they are rarely times when we think clearly. Arguments with our spouse can be intense times of emotion where the argument is about far more than just who forgot to start the laundry or who didn’t get something at the grocery store. Arguments between spouses are punctuated by ‘but I digress’ moments. These moments, while completely understandable, are what make mountains out of molehills. The ‘but I digress’ moments introduce elements into the battlefield of the argument. For example, perhaps your spouse was late getting home because they attended a late meeting at work. Typically, … Continue reading