For the Strength of Youth Series: Family

The opening statement in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet on Family states that “being part of a family is a great blessing.” Some of the benefits listed for being part of a family include companionship and happiness, a loving atmosphere, and a place of preparation for eternal life. Family is one of my most amazing blessings in life. I am amazed at how much I have learned and continue to learn from my family. I have four sisters and two brothers along with fabulous parents who have all taught me valuable lessons throughout the years. And they’ve become … Continue reading

Is It Okay For Kids To Call Their Parents By Their First Name?

Before I became a mother, I thought it might be “hip” to let my kids call me by my first name. After all, it’s just a name, right? Then I became a mother and I quickly changed my mind. I felt I earned the right to be called mother. Since Tyler and I moved to Mobile after Hurricane Katrina, we have gone back and forth about this issue. He knows it’s not acceptable for him to call me Myra but he hears everyone else calling me Faye and feels it’s okay for him to do the same. You see, no … Continue reading