My horoscope and deferring spending

Every morning I grab my coffee and sit at the computer, slowly waking up. I read my blog roll, – the adoption blogs and money blogs and frugal living blogs – and think about what I’ll be writing about today. Today inspiration came in the form of my horoscope! There it was, my horoscope on my home page, glaring back at me in huge Times Roman Print. (I have the print setting on large) In a very authoritative voice the astrologer informed me that although I am on the right track financially, I will have a setback money wise today. … Continue reading

The Occult and Christians

The book of Ephesians goes a little into spiritual warfare. If you don’t believe in a spirit realm, I ask you to really examine why. There is too much evil in our world today, and yet so many miraculous things happening that it’s impossible for me to believe differently than the Bible states. God gives us very clear instruction through out the Word not to have any dealings with various aspects of the “dark side”. He is not out to prevent us from having fun, but rather wants us to protect our souls. It’s so important for us to remain … Continue reading