More Tips On Using Your Crock Pot

I’ve mentioned before that I’m very attached to my crock pot. I actually have two to accommodate home cooked meals and our busy schedule. I admit that I don’t know why everyone doesn’t love and own a crock pot. If you’re not getting the full potential out of your crock pot perhaps you’re missing a few tips. Here are a few things to know about cooking in a crock pot that will make your meals not only easy but super delicious as well. 1. You can thicken crock pot juices by removing the lid for the last half hour of … Continue reading

Hospitality -part 2

Yesterday we looked at the command to practice hospitality and saw some problems I encountered largely caused by expectations, sometimes of others, but more often my own ideas about the way it should happen. Several things happened to change my view about hospitality. First, a young single man said he always felt relaxed and welcomed in our home and enjoyed not only the meals but our company, ‘because we were relaxed.’ I never had the heart to tell him that beforehand I was anything but relaxed. But his words encouraged me. Second, I started to realize that people were coming … Continue reading

Hospitality – part 1

The bible commands Christians to practice hospitality, Romans 12:13 It’s a command not an optional extra and one I have struggled with. Maybe you have too. Often it is due to expectations I have put upon myself, expectations that resulted in me running around making sure the house was vacuumed, dusted and immaculate. As a writer, housework is not always one of my highest priorities. I’m more concerned with getting the next story, poem or blog written than whether the floor has been vacuumed or swept. So a visitor always meant a frantic clean up. Next came the decision of … Continue reading

5 Principles for Showing Hospitality

The Bible gives us wonderful principles to use in showing hospitality to others. My husband enjoys defining hospitality as, “Making someone feel at home, even when you wish they were.” Sarcasm aside, here are some tips laid down for us in scripture. 1. Show it fervently (I Peter 4:8-9). Make it a point to be hospitable towards others. Invite people into your home for a meal, a Bible study, or just a time to get to know each other. Open up to others. 2. Show it continuously to the needy (Romans 12:13). The Christians in Rome in Paul’s time heard … Continue reading

5 Great Recipes to Throw in the Crock Pot

I admit it: I love my crock pot. If there were a fire in my house, after all the people were safe, I would seriously consider going back in to rescue my crock pot. Once, my crock broke and my mother in law and husband went driving for 45 minutes to replace the entire crock pot with a newer, better and bigger model! I was so thrilled! My love affair with the crock pot started when I got married. I got one as a wedding gift. I discovered that I could throw things in it in the morning and come … Continue reading