Hostility Can Harm Your Immune System

Researchers from Duke University have found that hostility and depression can harm a man’s immune system and increase the risk of heart disease. Negative emotional states can also increase a man’s risk of diabetes, chronic inflammation, and high blood pressure. Hostile, angry, and depressed people are more likely to have increased levels of C3 — an immune system protein associated with chronic inflammation. Elevated C3 levels have been connected to heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. The Duke University study tracked more than three hundred male Vietnam veterans over a decade — these study participants were part of a … Continue reading

Hostility and Resentment Have No Place in Business

I have written before about how I do think that there is room for emotions and practicality in our small businesses. After all, we are human beings and finding a balance between our hearts and our heads can make us very effective leaders and give us a vision that guides us as we build our businesses. BUT, I do think there are some emotions that really do not help our businesses and need to be dealt with and left out of our operations if we are to be successful. Hostility and resentment are two such emotions. I live in a … Continue reading