To Water Or Not To Water

“Heat Wave;” “Dangerously Hot;” “Hazing and Humid;” these are the various ways local meteorologists have chosen to describe our current weather conditions. The oppressive heat is predicted to last at least until early next week. I plan to ride out this heat wave in the comfort of our air-conditioned home. From here, I will be able to watch our green lawn bake into a toasty brown. To water or not to water… that is the question. If you are suffering through similar conditions and pondering the same question, perhaps these lawn care points will help you make your decision. (Keep … Continue reading

The Top 10 Reasons I Hate Exercising In the Summer

Wee, welcome back to the top ten lists and in honor of our Friday fitness funnies, I wanted to prepare for both the Summer Solstice on the 21st and Father’s Day on the 18th and the fact that we’re closing in on 100 degree mark on the thermometer. Gee it gets hot in Texas in the summer time – go figure! Anyway, without further ado – welcome to Friday, the 9th of June and my top 10 reasons why I hate exercising in the summer! 10. It’s hot. That is a really succinct way of summing it up. Outdoor activities … Continue reading