Holiday Drinks for Kids

While you are making plans to stock your bar for holiday guests don’t forget your youngest visitors who can’t imbibe in seasonal libations. It’s a good idea to mix up a few festive beverages for them to enjoy too. Whether you are looking for something warm to serve or need a way to liven up your holiday punchbowl, the following recipes should come in very handy: HOT CANDY CANE COCOA Ingredients: 4 cups whole milk 3 (1 ounce) squares semi-sweet chocolate, chopped 4 peppermint candy canes, crushed 1 cup whipped cream 2 to 3 extra candy canes Directions: In a … Continue reading

Flavored Hot Chocolate Fun

Our family loves hot chocolate. We like to get a little fancy with it and have fun coming up with different flavor combinations. Hot chocolate is hard to mess up. It’s a great way to have kids do some creative cooking. I have a selection of coffee syrups. Our favorite flavors are vanilla, caramel, peppermint, and raspberry. Here are some of our favorite combinations. I also like to mix a mug with ½ coffee and ½ flavored hot chocolate. Not only is it fewer calories, but it tastes like a fancy coffee store treat. Peppermint: Add either a splash of … Continue reading

Let it Snow?

A couple of days ago, my kids and I were discussing whether we would have a white Christmas or not. It is almost uncanny how we often have just a touch of snow for Christmas, like icing on a cake. Then, we learned that we might actually get some snow this weekend. My little one jumped up and down yesterday morning asking, “Is it gonna snow? Is it? Is it?” I had to wonder what kind of weather we might expect. It’s been rather mild except for the occasional harsh day or night. However, when I stopped in the store … Continue reading

What do You like to do when the Cold Winds Blow?

Mary Ann’s Baking Day article inspired me. So much so, that I think I’ll go to her house next time it’s cold! Of course, I’m kidding about showing up on her doorstep, because I’ll be busy at home doing similar things. I too tend to get that “nesting” thing going when the chill winds begin to blow. Do you? I have the urge to bake, like Mary Ann, and I have a couple of other “rituals.” Usually, I make some kind of bread or biscuits, and my kids know they’ll soon be sampling my homemade granola bars. I have to … Continue reading