Tips for Direct Sales (From a Customer/Hostess)

Recently, I hosted one of those parties–never mind what the product was, but it was the typical in-home party where I invite my friends and then a direct sales representative comes in and demonstrates the products. We sat around and ate fondue and chocolate mint cake, sipping sangria and the main event was the merchandise. I’ve had a few of thee parties and while I have never been tempted to become a sales representative myself, I do have some “critique” from this end that could be helpful to those who are… My first suggestion is to arrive early and get … Continue reading

Previews and Special Showings

One of the great things about having a small, home-based business is that we can be incredibly flexible in how we work and interact with our clients and customers. Since we don’t have a retail establishment to manage or set business hours to keep, we can adjust our sales tactics to really personalize our communication and service delivery. One way to create intimate opportunities for prospects is to offer previews and special showings of products or services. I know someone who is an artist and while he works part-time as curator of an art gallery, most of his time is … Continue reading