The Household Notebooks – Divided

Now that you know how to get started in organizing your household notebook, it’s time to figure out what needs to go in each category. I’m turning this article a bit personal, to show you examples of what I put in my household notebook. I also just recently added a “Deals and Savings” category, so although I have a few items in there, I will need to add to that as I go along. This section is further explained below. Many forms are available online to download and print. I suggest using Google to search, however has some wonderful … Continue reading

The Household Notebook – Getting Started

Getting started with your household notebook is really very simple. It doesn’t cost a lot of money and helps to save you time and money too! Keep in mind when shopping that the cheapest materials are fine. Keeping your costs down is an important step. After you have gathered all your ideas for your categories, you will need to purchase a binder to store all your stuff. I recommend at the very least a 1 1/2” binder. However, recently with seven of us, we expanded to a 3” binder that seems to be more than enough. In fact, it’s perfect. … Continue reading

The Household Notebook – Further Explained

Recently, my significant other asked me about my household notebook. He didn’t understand the value or reasoning behind it. Well, why not – his organizational methods included plastering a bulletin board with all important information. So I explained to him, in great length, why the household notebook is such a valuable tool. I’ve had mine now for about two years and love it. I’ve never been more organized and up to date on things. The household notebook goes with being organized, but it also is a very frugal way to live. It helps to contain everything you need in one … Continue reading

The Household Notebook – Explained

Having a household notebook can be a blessing. It’s an easy way to keep everything in place and find what you need when you need it. It also saves time and money, and as we all know, saving time seriously does save money in the long run. A household notebook is what you make it, however it’s an organizer for the entire family, sort of a command center for the entire family, if you will. I will explain how I put mine together and how it works for my family. You will need to customize your’s to fit yours and … Continue reading