The Writer’s Almanac – Podcast Review

The Writer’s Almanac is one of my favorite podcasts. It’s a short one, usually lasting somewhere around five minutes. Every day Garrison Keiller fills the listener in on literary and historical notes. The history may be about events that happened on this date in history, or about the reasons we celebrate certain holidays. The literary history is often interesting facts about authors, where they grew up, former jobs, inspiration, and awards their works have won. Usually it is about authors born on this date. After the brief historical notes, Garrison Keiller reads a poem or two. It’s such a treat … Continue reading

Flickr Photo Sharing

Now that you have been taking some great digital photos, you’ll want to share them right? When you are done uploading them to your My Site here at, you might want a way to manage them and share them some more. Flickr is one of the many growing photo sharing websites that makes it easy to upload, organize and share digital photos. The basic premise of a photo sharing site such as Flickr is to give users a place to store digital photos. When you want to share a digital photo or group of photos, instead of the traditional … Continue reading