Substitute Teacher’s Corner: On Your Feet

Good morning! There’s a saying in substitute teaching: “A sub on her feet is worth two in her seat.” When you go in to substitute teach for a class, it may be daunting to think about spending the next 8 hours on your feet, but trust me – you and your students will appreciate the day so much more. Sitting Down The only time you should be sitting is if you’ve gathered the kids in a circle and you’re sitting on the floor with them or if they are taking a test and it will be less distracting from them … Continue reading

Toddler Talking Tips

One of the neatest transformations that you have a front row seat for is the transformation of your baby into a little person with their own thoughts, ideas and conversational gambits. For months after you child is born, you will have any number of conversations with them. Most of these conversations will be one sided – where you do all the talking. Sometime around their second birthday, your child develops the ability to talk back. Their conversations may only include a handful of phrases and they may not have the ability as yet to say all the things they want … Continue reading