Murphy and Kitty and a Hurricane Named Frances

Just as September always reminds me of hurricanes, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to spend another Labor Day Weekend without remembering Labor Day 2004. Lights Out, Uh Huh, Dance, Dance, Dance! At one p.m. on Labor Day 2004 the electricity went out. It would not come back on for another three and a half days. I was napping on the couch, and I think Wayne was too, when the commotion started. Sirens, to be exact. We woke to see neighbors running up the street. We went out to investigate the brew ha-ha and learned a branch had fallen … Continue reading

Romantic Hurricane Adventures: Fun with Floyd

For me, September brings to mind hurricanes. It all started the year we moved to Florida. The Summer of ‘99 We moved to Jacksonville in May of 1999. Our move had been a bit rocky. Wayne and I had been separated for four months until our house sold in Phoenix. (Actually, it hadn’t even sold yet. I just couldn’t stand not living with him anymore, so I decided I was moving. Luckily we got an offer at the same time.) But I had only been in Jax a month when Wayne’s company declared bankruptcy and laid him off. It could … Continue reading

What To Know Before You Travel During Hurricane Season

The travel bargains during hurricane season are hard to beat, but before you shell out the money for a trip to the Caribbean, Mexico, or Florida there are a few points you should consider. First, the deep discounts offered during hurricane season come as a result of the risk you take. (It’s called hurricane season for a reason.) If you plan to head south during the heart of hurricane season you risk having your vacation drowned out. That’s what happened to more than 30,000 vacationers who were spending a fall trip in the Cancun area in October 2005. Their resorts … Continue reading

Teach Your Kids About Hurricanes

With the recent tropical storm and the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, your children may be interested in learning about the dangers of hurricanes and tropical storms. They may be asking questions on what they can do to prepare and how you can protect the family. You can teach your kids more by having them visit the Weather Bullies. The kid’s section includes different weather bullies that accompany a hurricane. Each weather bully has a section, which explains what causes these types of weather to occur. You can also print out “Wanted” posters for each bully. There is also scavenger list … Continue reading

Traveling Into The Eye Of A Hurricane

As a television reporter I’ve been dispatched into the middle of blizzards, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes(ironically, so I could tell viewers: “The conditions out here are treacherous, don’t risk harming yourselves by venturing out here.”) When my report was over I would run into the live truck and wonder why I was chose a profession that would require putting myself in harms’ way. I don’t look back at those experiences with particular fondness, but I rationalize that it was part of my job and I did get paid for it. Which is why I was shocked to learn that there … Continue reading

Hurricanes: Planning for Evacuation

Evacuation due to a hurricane brings many things to mind. You may think of being stuck in the car in awful traffic for hours. You may worry about leaving your home and possessions behind. And you may worry about where you are going to stay during the period of evacuation. Once you have formed an evacuation plan then you most of these concerns will be resolved, and you will be order to move forward quickly. The first thing you should do is decide where you will stay during an evacuation. If you have family and friends in a nearby area, … Continue reading

Hurricanes: Protecting Your Home

Next to your family, your home is one of your most important assets. It is important that you begin to prepare now to protect your home from a hurricane. If you take the time to prepare now, then when a hurricane is coming you will just need to complete a few simple steps in order to protect your home. Here are a few steps to help protect your home: 1) Make sure that you have homeowner’s insurance. As you talk with your insurance agent make sure that you understand what is covered in case of an emergency and what is … Continue reading

Hurricanes: Planning for Your Family’s Safety

The first step in preparing for a hurricane is to have a plan for your family. You need to decide what you are going to do in the event of a hurricane. In some areas and instances you may decide to ride it out. In other cases you may decide that you want to evacuate. If there is a mandatory evacuation, please do so. The lives of your family members are so much more important than any possessions that you may lose as a result of a hurricane. If you are in area where it is safe to stay during … Continue reading

Are You Prepared for Hurricane Season?

Hurricane season begins on Thursday June 1st. Are you prepared for this year’s hurricanes? Forecasters are predicting another active year for hurricanes. If you live inland and away from the Southeast and the Eastern Coast, you may consider yourself pretty safe from a hurricane. But hurricanes have been known to do some pretty strange things. My husband had the eye of Hurricane Hugo pass over them with hurricane strength winds. He lived in Hickory, NC, which is about eight hours from the coast. They were expecting rain and strong winds, but not the eye of the storm. Do you know … Continue reading