Dad Can Do It!

When my friends and I were all starting our families and experiencing motherhood for the first time, we noticed that it seemed like we Moms were doing a lot of the work. More so than our young husbands. And it didn’t seem fair at all. We were pretty cranky about it, in fact. Long gone are the days when Dads can opt out of childcare responsibilities. This is the new millennium, we expect to share all parenting responsibilities equally darn it! Well, there was a small problem. Even when these new daddies were taking the initiative and asking (ok, I … Continue reading

Stories That Inspire – Dick Hoyt, One Amazing Dad

Rick Hoyt was strangled by his umbilical cord during birth. The lack of oxygen during that struggle caused brain damage, leaving him with cerebral palsy. His parents were told to institutionalize him, that he would be a vegetable with little or no comprehension of the world around him. But Dick, his father, said, “No, we’re not going to do that. We’re going to bring Rick home and bring him up like any other child.” Although they were told that “nothing” was going on in Rick’s brain, when he was eleven they took him to Tufts University. They asked several engineers … Continue reading