The Dangers Of Seeking Health Info Online

I’m sure that most people will agree that having the Internet is a wonderful thing for the most part. We can find interesting articles, interact with people, send away for free samples, file our taxes, even find true love online. There are also some bad things about seeking out information over the Internet as well. Some of the negative things are the fact that people can pretend to be anything and anyone they want. This doesn’t bode well for those trying to date since you may think you’re talking to someone who looks like Johnny Depp and the person ends … Continue reading

Does Your Doctor Think You Are A Hypochondriac?

There certainly exists a disorder involving the belief that you are suffering from illnesses that you aren’t. It’s called hypochondriasis and there is also an associated illness called somatization disorder. Fortunately, both conditions are quite rare. Therefore most people who go to the doctor with a physical ailment that concerns them need either a positive diagnosis that they can work with or reassurance that there is nothing to be concerned about. However, if your file should include a diagnosis of a mental illness, all that may change. Unless you have a reasonable doctor, many of the physical conditions you may … Continue reading

Does Your Doctor Not Understand Mental Illness?

I am often frustrated when one of my clients goes to see their doctor for a physical ailment and is basically dismissed, or at best, condescended to, simply because they have a record of mental illness, either past or present. It seems that once you have suffered from depression or anxiety, or worse still, one of the major mental illnesses, every little twinge, whether it be in your stomach or your big toe, is often put down to a symptom of mental illness. Yes, they will tell you that “It’s all in your mind, dear.” I once had a patient … Continue reading