Before Getting On Your High Horse

At the moment a well known Australian Christian is voluble in what they are saying. Now I don’t want to go into who this person is and disparage them, but I do want us to think about the issues we become involved in. This person has been so voluble about so many issues and some of them pretty trivial over the years, that he has lost all credibility. To most people it’s a case of, ‘he’s raving on again.’ If all we are doing is turning people off, so they don’t listen at all, how is this helpful to God’s … Continue reading

Is Hypocrisy Holding You Back?

What do you stand for? What are your belief systems, values, and personal motivations? As a mom, I have found that my kids are great critics of whether or not I am being true to my convictions and whether or not my actions and my declared beliefs match. I think single parents can be especially susceptible to hypocrisy as we might be trying so hard to look like “other families” or appear as we think a socially sanctioned “normal” family appears, that we are not really being honest and true to our own inner guidance. My kids are great gauges … Continue reading

Aren’t We All Hypocrites?

Hypocrisy has long been one of the reasons that people have avoided going to church. When I hear a disillusioned person say something like, “I don’t go to church, they’re all full of hypocrites.” I think, “Isn’t that where they should be?” When you get right down to it, we are ALL hypocrites. Who hasn’t said to her child, “Remember to share.” and then made a treat for herself and enjoyed it without ever offering some of it to her spouse or child? Who hasn’t admonished her child, “Don’t push.” and then plowed over another person or even her own … Continue reading

A Great Barrier to Sharing God With Others

One of the greatest responsibilities of the Christian is to share the Word of God with the rest of the world. Christians should be committed to sharing God with the world by sharing God’s Word, the Bible, with the world. Unfortunately there are many different obstacles which can prevent the Christian from sharing God with others. Sometimes things such as a work or school can get in the way. Sometimes family can get in the way. Sometimes the Christian’s own insecurities about themselves will get in the way. Sin will always get in the way of sharing God with others. … Continue reading