Should You Exercise When You are Sick?

It is the time of year when colds, sinus infections, flu, and illness spread like wildfire.  Every time I talk to someone or check Facebook, I hear of more people sick.  I have been sick a few times this year already.  My sinuses like to war against me when the weather can’t decide which way it wants to go. I had a terrible sinus infection and I am on the verge of another one.  It is the same story for many plus the flu stories I am hearing.  Makes you want to hold your breath when you go in public. … Continue reading

Late Summer Colds & Your Fitness Plans

So yesterday morning I woke up with a stuffy nose, body aches and the low-grade fever. Thrill a moment, all the symptoms of a summer cold. I dislike summer colds because you’re already uncomfortable, but combine the misery of a cold with the high temperatures soaring into the 100s and it’s a perfect recipe for disaster. Fitness Plans As I’ve mentioned before, you can work out while you are sick, but you need to judge your condition not on how tired you are, but on how sick you are. Since I was running a low-grade fever and I was having … Continue reading