What is Toxoplasmosis?

If you are pregnant, you may have heard of toxoplasmosis. Even if you haven’t heard the name, you may have heard that pregnant women shouldn’t change the cat litter. Ten years ago, when I was pregnant with our first baby, my husband took over the cat litter duties. I’m happy to report that ten years, four children and two cats later, he still does it! Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite. The parasite is present in cat feces. If you come in contact with the parasite, either when changing the litter box or working outside in the garden, … Continue reading

Mono in Pregnancy

When we are pregnant, we tend to worry about catching viruses or other infections. Illnesses that didn’t seem like a big deal suddenly take on new urgency. Mono is one common illness that may be encountered during pregnancy. Fortunately, it rarely poses a great danger for the developing baby. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, there is no increased chance of miscarriage or birth defects when the mother is infected with mono during pregnancy. Mononucleosis is spread through close contact, for example by saliva. This is how Mono got the nickname, “The Kissing Disease.” It tends to … Continue reading