Sometimes Love’s the Best Medicine

I’ve been pretty quiet blogging in both Marriage and Pets lately because I’ve either been sick or on vacation. Or both. Last week, to finally enjoy some time together after spending four months apart, Wayne and I went to Washington D.C. It was great except for one thing: Wayne was sick. It was my fault. The week before we’d driven to Denver to be with family for Thanksgiving and right before we left I got sick. I tried my best to Lysol everything and not cough on Wayne, but when you’re stuck in a car for 17 hours it’s inevitable … Continue reading

Is My Immune System Ready for the Holiday Season?

I am just getting over my second virus since getting back from Norway in mid-September. Maybe this doesn’t seem like a big deal, but until this past month or so–I hadn’t been sick at all in almost two years! To me, having my immune system “compromised” as we are heading into the “trenches” time of the year for this single parent is a very big deal! I’m wondering if my aging parental immune system is ready for another active and intense holiday season? It used to be that I worried about my children–when they were younger, it seemed that the … Continue reading

Helping Kids Learn How Eating Poorly Can Make Them Sick

We teach our children to wash their hands to combat germs and bugs; and they learn that if they eat too much candy they might get a stomach ache—but many of us parents don’t even fully understand how our diet can affect the way we feel physically so we may not be passing that on to our children. Did you know that a change in your diet could make you feel like you have a cold or the flu? Too much dairy, for example (cheese, milk, etc.) can make some people have a stuffed up nose and congestion. Too much … Continue reading

When a Single Mom Gets Sick

The truth is, I was blessed genetically with pretty decent health. I don’t have major aches and pains and illnesses to complain of and my immune system is strong enough to fend off most of the things that come my way. This fortunate reality works well with my other fortunate reality—life as a single mom. I tend to get lulled into a false sense of security, however, and when I do get sick—it makes me feel even more grateful that it doesn’t happen very often! The onset of yesterday’s cold was the first such virus I have had in over … Continue reading

Too Sick for School? How Do You Know For Sure?

I’ve been wrong and I’ve been right on this one—there have been times (I shamefully admit) that I have been tricked and thought my kids were sick enough to stay home only to have them bouncing around and joyfully playing an hour later—and there have been other times I’ve sent them off to school only to take a call two hours later telling me to come and pick them up. How can a parent know if a child is really too sick for school? Obviously, from my earlier confession, I don’t think there is a hard-and-fast, unfailing rule for how … Continue reading

Sick Time for the Entrepreneur

It is tough to take sick time when you are the only employee. There, I’ve said it. I know that many of us thought that sick time wouldn’t be an issue when we started our own businesses–we wouldn’t have to keep track of sick days, or call in to any human resources department when we weren’t felling well. But the fact is, sickness can be an even bigger issue in a small home-based business since we might not take the down time when we need it and there isn’t anyone to cover for us if we “call in sick.” The … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Family Sick Day

There’s nothing worse than waking up not feeling well. Okay, there’s one thing that’s worse – when you wake up not feeling well and the rest of the family appears to be suffering from the same malady that you are. That makes it pretty rotten – all the way around. As a mom, my first duty is to take care of the kiddo, but when you’re feeling rotten – – it’s hard to find the energy. Don’t Exercise When You’re Sick A good rule of thumb is to not exercise when you’re sick. But like with many other things in … Continue reading

Planning for Your Business in Case of Emergency–Part Two, Family Emergencies

Having written about how planning and preparedness can benefit the home business owner, I wanted to talk about other, more common, types of emergencies–illness, injury, family changes and other family emergencies. When you work from home and someone is sick or injured, or there is a death or terminal illness, these realities can have a direct impact on a home business. One of the great things about working from home and being your own boss, is the flexibility to care for family and friends (not to mention yourself) when the need arises. If someone gets sick or injured, or if … Continue reading

Being Sick

A week prior to this writing I became very sick with the flu then a double ear infection. During this bout of misery I was trying to imagine what good could be found in feeling the way I did—like I said I was sick and probably not thinking clearly. As dramatic as it sounds, I started to wonder the “what-ifs” and think about my children being without a mother and my husband being without a wife. Then I had to snap back to reality and remind myself, I was just sick, I was not dying! While I was lying in … Continue reading

Are Single Parents More Susceptible to Illness?

If stress and health are definitely connected, and life as a single parent is potentially pretty stressful, then it would stand to reason that single parents just might be more susceptible to stress-related illness. With all the long days and multiple responsibilities, our immune systems can get worn down and we can set ourselves up for illness and injury. So, what can we single parents do to keep ourselves healthy? Stress and exhaustion can be major issues in the lives of single parents. With the crisis and stress of going through a separation and/or divorce, and the added responsibility of … Continue reading