High Winds Ruin David Blaine’s Finale

If you have watched NBC at all this week, you have probably seen excerpts of David Blaine’s latest stunt, “Dive of Death.” The 35-year-old magician is known for doing death-defying stunts, including a stunt in which he was suspended over London in a clear cube for 44 days without food and only minimal water each day and one where he was submerged into a sphere filled with water for seven days straight. (Photo by Nelia Schrum and as a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.) This week, he hung upside down over Central … Continue reading

Letting go of Illusions

Sometimes, our denial and illusions can be a benefit—especially in the early stages of starting a business. I know that I needed a certain amount of “moxy” when I took the plunge and started working on my own. As we strive to build our businesses, however, we do need to let go of that denial and those illusions so that we can see things more clearly. We need to be able to “get real” when it comes to our skills and talents and strengths and weaknesses. The word “illusion” is a synonym for “delusion” and illusions are false ideas or … Continue reading