New Therapy For Pet Allergies

New research from Madrid, Spain is showing that people with cat dander allergies can build up a tolerance through immunotherapy — meaning that people with cat allergies may not be forced to get rid of their furry friends! Immunotherapy is the idea that a person’s immune system can learn to tolerate an allergy trigger or allergen based on exposure to gradually increasing amounts of the trigger. Therapy starts with small amounts that don’t cause an allergic reaction and gets bigger over time. The Spanish researchers used SLIT — sublingual immunotherapy, or allergens placed under the tongue and absorbed into the … Continue reading

Pet Allergies: Living With Your Pet Anyway

Would you believe that approximately one third of all Americans who are allergic to their cats live with a cat anyway? Another study found that only one out of five adults who were diagnosed with pet allergies chose to give up their pet! Four out of five people decided to keep them anyway. For many people, the benefit of a relationship with their cat or dog is more important than the allergy. Believe it or not, you can live with a dog or cat despite being allergic. It takes a little more work and an understanding of what causes your … Continue reading

Pet Allergies

It’s a heartbreak common to many families: someone develops an allergy to the family dog or cat, and it’s up to Fido or Fluffy to hit the road. When I was five and my brother was three, we were both found to have some severe allergies. Not just to pets — though we were both highly allergic to dogs and especially cats — but to pollen, mold, dust, air, water, pretty much everything. (Okay, we weren’t REALLY allergic to air and water, but it felt like it!) We had to give up our family dog Sparky; lucky for us, he … Continue reading