Fall in Love… Again

Every marriage goes through changes, especially with time. The newness wears off, the romance seems to fizzle out, and sex might not even be that great any more. The companionship once shared has been exchanged for a quiet and often lonely dual existence, where two people live in the same home but pass each other like roommates instead of sharing their lives like spouses. What can you do about it? Fall in love with your spouse again. Do what you can to reignite his or her feelings towards you. Take time to remember special moments and all the little things … Continue reading

Warning Signs of a Subjective Marriage Counselor

Usually couples seek marriage counseling because they want to improve or save their marriages. Unfortunately, not all counselors are in the business of trying to make marriages better. Some are more about helping one spouse “escape” the marriage. To make sure this is not the type of counselor you are enlisting, watch out for these and similar warning signs: 1. The counselor gives a direct opinion about staying or leaving. The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy says this is a no-no. Even if the advice is couched in suggestive language, such as, “I feel you should,” or “Maybe … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Trust

You cannot have a happy, healthy, lasting marriage without trust. There are so many issues, every day which require trust, that it just isn’t possible to have a good relationship without it. From making childrearing choices and monetary decisions to believing that your spouse will be faithful, trust is an integral part of your connection to each other. Trust however is not automatic. It must be earned. Once earned, it must be protected. If you lose your husband or wife’s trust, getting it back is far more difficult than it was to achieve it in the first place. Do not … Continue reading