Most Important Early Pregnancy Advice

Many people might start off their first pregnancy blog with a story: why they decided to have a baby (or not), the story of how they became pregnant, their early thoughts on pregnancy and childbirth.  I might get to all of that, or I might not.  But today I want to share one of the most important things I learned in my first month of pregnancy: do not go off any medication without talking to your doctor first. This might seem silly or obvious, but I cannot stress how important it is.  My whole first trimester might have taken a … Continue reading

Apple Cider Vinegar for Digestive Health

Until I found out how well organic apple cider vinegar worked for a variety of ailments, I was the type of person who had over-the-counter and herbal remedies for just about everything. Due to the stress of being a single parent and lifestyle factors, I’ve always suffered with digestive problems and had probably spent thousands of dollars over the years on antacids, and various natural supplements. They’d help a bit, but nothing actually did the trick. Although I’ve been on a tight budget since my divorce, I decided to change my diet. Searching online I found a wealth of information, … Continue reading

Too Much Turkey? Five Quick Remedies!

Thanksgiving Day is one holiday when overeating runs rampant. Let’s face it: most gatherings involve food in one way or another, but the Thanksgiving feast is the main event when it comes to pigging out. (Or should I say… turkeying out?) But before you eat your weight in turkey and then collapse onto the couch to watch football in a stupor, try these quick remedies to ease that overstuffed belly. Encourage gas… from either end. A loud belch or toot might not be polite for company, but it can ease the pressure in your over-full belly. Sip a fizzy drink … Continue reading

Halt Heartburn With Three Lifestyle Changes

Are you ready to beat heartburn? Recurring heartburn can disrupt your eating habits AND your sleeping habits. Believe it or not, food isn’t generally the cause of recurring heartburn. Stanford University reviewed one hundred different studies on heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease to figure out the most effective remedies. Stopping the late-night snacks or changing what you eat in the evening didn’t make the list. Here’s what did. Lose weight. Dropping twenty pounds or more can reduce your heartburn or GERD symptoms by as much as forty percent! Doctors think that the weight loss does two things for you: it … Continue reading

Quick Household Remedies for Stomach Problems

You don’t always have to turn to the drug store when you’ve eaten something that doesn’t agree with you. There are plenty of things around the house that can help ease an upset stomach! Feeling nauseated? Having a bout of indigestion? Try this: Sip ginger ale. Any flat soda can help settle your stomach, but ginger has long been used in easing stomach problems. Try a spoonful of the syrup from a can of fruit. Many over-the-counter stomach remedies are mostly sugar anyway! Suck on a peppermint or chew mint gum. Mint is another stomach settler, and the act of … Continue reading

Peppermint For Digestive Health

Want to add an easy to grow, sweet smelling, aromatheraputic plant to your garden? Grow peppermint! Peppermint has long been used as a digestive aid. The ancient Egyptians used peppermint to soothe indigestion; modern herbalists recommend it for other stomach problems, too — like nausea, diarrhea, and even hiccups! Now research is showing that adding peppermint to your diet can help ease the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome! Peppermint helps ease stomach spasms because it has a relaxing effect on digestive tract muscles. The drawback is that you may see an increase in acid reflux or heartburn, because the peppermint … Continue reading

Aromatherapy for an Upset Stomach

Oh, indigestion, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways. You give me pain, you make me feel uncomfortable, you rob me of sleep, and often you bring me gas. Oh, the burning! Oh, the agony! Oh, the melodrama! Aromatherapy can help ease the discomfort of indigestion and other stomach upsets. You can sniff, sip, or rub your pains away very easily! The same herbs that made that meal taste so good can actually help relieve the pain of indigestion afterwards. Sniff some spices from your spice rack — rosemary, sage, anise, dill, cumin, or fennel! The scent … Continue reading