What Happened at Kyle’s IEP Meeting

Having a son with autism who is now a teenager means that, for me, IEP meetings are taken in stride. I drove up to the junior high school, parked, entered the building, and immediately saw Kyle waiting in the hallway by the office. A wide grin spread across his face when he saw me, and he began to stoop over and clap to himself. “Hello, Kyle!” I said, hugging him exuberantly. Then we went into the principal’s office, where Kyle’s special education teacher, principal, speech and language pathologist, and art teacher were waiting. (I have started to notice, interestingly enough, … Continue reading

What in the World is an IEP?

Ionizing Electric Plug? Iced Eggnog Parfait? Impish Elf-like Person? No. In the world of special needs, you will become quickly familiar with the IEP, which stands for Individualized Education Program. What is an Individualized Education Program? In the simplest terms, it is a program or “plan” for your child’s education, put down on paper. The plan is put together in a meeting with you and the primary people involved in your child’s schooling. Your first IEP meeting should take place within 30 days of your child being determined eligible for special education. Once the program is put in place, it … Continue reading