Dangerous Websites for Teens

I saw a report a couple of weeks ago regarding dangerous websites that teens are visiting. One of them is called “Formspring,” which is actually a social media outlet that allows members to ask and respond to anonymous questions. The problem with this website is that it also promotes cyber-bullying. Vicious notes can be sent anonymously. This opens the door to all kinds of bullying like obscene language, derogatory comments and other unkind ways of interacting. I wanted to personally look more into this website but it required signing up and I wasn’t quite ready for that. However it is … Continue reading

Disney’s Project Green

This Thursday, April 22, is the fortieth anniversary of Earth Day. In honor of that I’m making it Earth Week on the Disney blog, and I’m going to explore ways in which the Walt Disney Corporation contributes to ecological causes. Now that green is hip and mega global conglomerates like Disney are getting in on the environmental action, I start to wonder if the trendiness of green initiatives doesn’t sometimes overshadow or outweigh actual conservation efforts. Take Disney’s Project Green, for example. The House of Mouse throws together a splashy website, herds Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato out of the … Continue reading

Healthy Websites for Kids: BAM.gov

Confession time: I watch a lot of cartoons. I do! And lately, I’ve caught a series of commercials on Cartoon Network that led me to a new healthy website I want to share. The commercials feature a big, kinda scary-looking guy talking about disease prevention — like sneezing into your sleeve or a tissue, washing your hands, and other tips. The commercials then suggest viewers find more health tips at BAM.gov. So I went to take a look! The first thing I noticed? No scary bald guy. I kinda miss him, actually! The images on the site are bright and … Continue reading

A Review of OneGreatFamily.com

OneGreatFamily.com is a website that offers the service of tapping into other people’s family tress to complete your own genealogy work, This site is a subscription based site that offers several unique features for people interested in doing genealogy. One of these features is the shared family tree feature. Once you enter in your research as far back as you can go, it begins scanning names that are already entered in and when it finds a match it begins filling in the information automatically for you. This is a great feature, but you should always double check to make sure … Continue reading

Antibiotics: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

I’m currently taking two different types of antibiotics to treat an infected cat bite (ah the joys of working with animals). Here’s a fun fact: the doctor told me that eighty percent of cat bites end up infected. I guess I’ve been lucky so far — I’ve only had two bites get bad. Antibiotics come from two basic places: molds and bacteria. They work in one of two ways: by killing bacteria outright or by stopping their ability to reproduce (so they die out). Different antibiotics work against different types of bacteria — so taking one type of antibiotics for … Continue reading

An Engaging Website

Earlier this month I wrote about how Families.com member Jade Walker had a very engaging Halloween. In addition to sharing a snippet of the romantic way her beau proposed to her, she also included this line: “To learn more, go to http://www.jadeandmarcus.com.” Of course I went to check it out. I thought what I found was so cool, I immediately knew it would make a great topic for the Marriage Blog. But I wanted to get Jade’s permission to write about it first. I wasn’t sure she’d want her marriage business made public. But she didn’t mind. As she put … Continue reading

Is ADHD Becoming More Common in Older Kids?

A report released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in July 2008 took a look at attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. ADHD is characterized by impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and an inability to focus or concentrate. In children, ADHD usually appears by the age of seven. The problem is often noticed in school, leading to diagnosis before the age of twelve. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimate that more than four million children in the United States have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. According to the CDC report that surveyed nearly forty thousand households: The rate … Continue reading

Healthy Websites: NIH

One of my favorite websites for health information is NIH — the National Institutes of Health. NIH is a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is the primary government agency responsible for conducting and supporting medical research. The agency traces its roots back to the Laboratory of Hygiene at the Marine Hospital in Staten Island, New York — way back in 1887. Today, the NIH is made up of twenty-seven different Institutes and Centers that provide leadership, guidance, and financial support to medical researchers across the country and around the world. More than eighteen thousand … Continue reading

What are Google Alerts?

Just when you think the Internet couldn’t get any cooler, it does. I recently started using Google Alerts. It’s a fascinating tool that allows you to choose a topic you’re interested in and be alerted anytime a blog is written on that topic or a website mentions it. I like to keep on top of what people are saying about me, so I put “Tristi Pinkston” in as a search term. Once a day, I get an e-mail which shows me a list of all the places where I’ve been mentioned that day, along with links and the first sentence … Continue reading

New Church Website Focuses on Disabilities

The church has come out with a new website to help members with disabilities. The site is designed to help ward leaders and other members help the person with disabilities be an active part of the ward. This site addresses ward concerns as well as family concerns. This website can help you find the tools you need to successfully reach out and welcome members with disabilities. The site has an area specially designed for leaders and teachers of those with disabilities. This section gives guidance and suggestions on the best way to teach those with disabilities in a positive loving … Continue reading