Maintaining Your Marriage

Infertility is devastating to most couples. The diagnosis and treatment process can take a toll on even the strongest marriages. Nothing sucks the romance out of intimacy more than trying to have a baby. Spontaneity goes out the window as intercourse becomes planned and scheduled around the best time of the month for conception. Couples need to make a real effort to keep the romance alive during the time they are trying to conceive a baby. If you get your baby, but destroy your marriage, you will have many regrets later. Although it can be hard to be spontaneous, it’s … Continue reading

When a Friend Gets Pregnant

Girls grow up rocking babies and playing mommy. We assume that when we find our man and the time is right, a baby will come. We spend years of our lives avoiding pregnancy until the right moment. Finally, you find the man of your dreams and the timing is right. You ditch the birth control and get ready to decorate that nursery. Unfortunately, for thousands of couples pregnancy is not easy to achieve. For the first few months, you may not worry. Then the months go by and you begin to get worried. The worry grows the more time passes. … Continue reading

Would You Choose Baby’s Gender?

The advances in reproductive technology in the last generation have been astounding. Doctors are able to treat infertility in an unprecidented way. Many women who would not have been able to conceive just a few years ago now have renewed hope of holding a baby. Some couples are using the technology in a new way. They are choosing the gender of their babies. Gender selection is the process of choosing the gender of the baby. It is not limited to infertile couples. People with more than one child are now electing to visit the local fertility clinic in an attempt … Continue reading

What is In Vitro Fertilization?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one form of assisted reproductive technology that is used to help women get pregnant. Basically, the sperm and the egg are removed from the bodies of the parents and the egg is fertilized in a lab. After fertilization, the eggs are placed in the uterus. Ovulation is usually induced through the use of injectable fertility drugs. Your partner will give you the injections at home. The staff at the fertility clinic will teach you and your partner how to do the injections correctly. Your hormone levels will be monitored with blood tests. The development of … Continue reading

What is Artificial Insemination?

If you have been trying to get pregnant without success, you may visit an infertility specialist. One of the methods used to help women conceive is artificial insemination. Unlike other reproductive technologies, this is not new. Artificial insemination has been around for a few hundred years. It has been used regularly since the late 1800s. Artificial insemination is one of the least invasive ways of helping a couple conceive when intercourse isn’t enough. Basically, the man’s sperm is artificially placed in the woman’s body by a doctor. The procedure results in a greater number of healthy sperm. As my doctor … Continue reading

Common Fertility Drugs

If you haven’t conceived after 6 to 12 months of trying, you may visit a doctor to determine if there is a problem. Many women who seek treatment for infertility are prescribed fertility drugs. Some are taken orally and others are injectable. You may wonder what the drug does and how it can help you get pregnant. Here’s a little bit about the commonly prescribed fertility drugs. Many doctors start off by prescribing Clomiphene citrate. This is sold under the brand names of Clomid or Serophene. This drug is administered orally for five days, usually starting on day three of … Continue reading

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is the most common hormonal reproductive problem among women. It affects about ten percent of all women. Women with PCOS tend to have high levels of male hormones. Most have a very irregular period; some women don’t get a period at all. The ovaries are often covered with many small cysts that interfere with ovulation and cause irregular cycles. The main symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, oily skin, pain in the pelvic area, being overweight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and abnormal hair growth on the face, chest and back. If you … Continue reading

Finding the Right Infertility Specialist

If you’ve been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant, it may be time to see an infertility specialist. Choosing the right specialist to help you achieve your goal of having a baby is an important decision. You want to be sure to pick the right doctor to treat your infertility. There are some factors you should consider in choosing a specialist. Many couples consider statistics when choosing a specialist. Statistics are one factor to consider, but you need specific information to understand the statistics. Some clinics have better success rates because they tend to treat patients with problems that are easier … Continue reading

Smoking and Infertility

Studies have shown a link between smoking cigarettes and infertility. A study done by the British Medical Association showed that women who smoke had a 40% lower chance of successfully conceiving than non smoking women. Researchers are not sure exactly how smoking interferes with a woman’s ability to get pregnant. There are a few theories, but no concrete proof. One theory is that some of the chemicals in cigarette smoke can interfere with the quality of the eggs. Another theory suggests that smoking interferes with the eggs being released during ovulation. It’s not only women that are affected. Smoking may … Continue reading

Coping with Infertility

Coping with infertility is very difficult. I know, I’ve been there. Prior to having my first baby, my husband and I spent six years trying to conceive. Dealing with the treatments and disappointment of not being pregnant remains one of the most difficult and heartbreaking times in my life. Luckily, there are some things you can do to cope while you are waiting for your baby. Find someone to talk to about your feelings. Talking can help you feel better. Talk to a friend who has been through infertility treatments in the past. If you can’t find anyone to talk … Continue reading