Piecing Together Your Parenting Style from Various Influences

There is a great deal of talk about parenting styles—parents are expected to figure out whether they are an authoritative or permissive parent and to fit themselves into a definition or box that defines the way they interact with their children. For many of us, however, we are a little of this and a little of that. As complex human beings who have evolving values and ideas about things—we may change and morph and our parenting style may actually be an eclectic collection from all sorts of different influences. It may seem sort of radical—but our parenting style CAN and … Continue reading

Ask the Question: “What is the Possible Impact?”

Looking to the future may be one of those things that our children do not exactly do well, but as parents, we might be reacting in the moment too and not thinking about how our choices and responses today can have a lasting impact down the line. Sure, we are going to react passionately sometimes and we may even say and do things in our parenting without thinking much about what we are doing—but whenever possible we can ask ourselves what the possible impact of our personal choices is, and teach our children to do the same. Life really is … Continue reading

Consider Where Your Influences Are Coming From

As parents, we many of us pay plenty of attention to who is influencing our children and where the influences are coming from that affect our kids—but do we ever take the time to consider our OWN influences? Are they healthy, encouraging, and supportive of our single parent status and our development as a human being? When was the last time you took a good, hard look at what and who was influencing you and decided if it was healthy for your single parent lifestyle? As an example, I realized several months ago that while a few of my friends … Continue reading

Letting Your Influences Change

I think one of the ways we can choke our businesses is by getting in a place where we have limited influences. Perhaps we have found a great mentor, or a particular business author who we rely on and go to again and again. While it is great to have the tried and true methods and influences to fall back on, we also need to let new ideas and influences into our businesses if we are going to continue moving forward. Now, I’m not saying you need to abandon those influences that you have come to trust and rely on … Continue reading

Accepting All the Different Influences

When I set out on the road to parenthood, I saw myself as the idyllic mother who would have intense, benevolent influence on her children. They would absorb my ideas and values and I would send them out into the world as all the things I wasn’t. Well, reality is a little bit different. Even in those early infant stages, I had to come to terms with the fact that I was not the only influence on my children… At first, I fought a lot of those outside influences. At least, I saw them as “outside” influences, even though my … Continue reading

What Influences Your Parenting Style?

I’ve had people try to assess me before and tell me what my parenting “style” seemed to be. I tend to not think in terms of labels and can definitely see some paradoxes—ways in which I am conservative and other ways that I am pretty liberal and loose. What is really interesting to me is HOW we get to be the parents we are and where our influences come from that help us evolve into the style and type of parent we are… Some of my parenting certainly came from the way I was parented. HOWEVER, I think some of … Continue reading