Seedfolks – Paul Fleischman

“Seedfolks” is a short novella, coming in at only sixty-nine pages. Amazing how just sixty-nine pages can pack such a punch. Each chapter is told through the eyes of a different person who lives near or along the edges of an old vacant lot, where garbage is piled high and vagrants come to spend the night. A run-down piece of ground in a run-down neighborhood, it becomes the site of a minor miracle. We begin with Kim, a young Vietnamese girl who came to America not long ago. Her father died some years ago, and it’s the anniversary of his … Continue reading

The Dietary Problems of Poor People

Children who go into the foster system have usually been deprived of food. Poor people not only have little food, what they do have is often unhealthy. The children in the foster system have been at the bottom of this food chain. That is why foster / adopt parents see so many alarming food habits in the children that they are raising. Various food banks in San Antonio, Texas, are trying to deal with the dietary problems of poor people in their area. They are dealing with it in two ways. First, they are trying to distribute healthy food and … Continue reading

The Education Blog in Review: October 29-November 6

I know, I know. . .this is a little post dated. Since our regular education blogger Kaye Siders has left, several of us from the community have been guest blogging sporadically here in Education. Consequently, the regularly posted “week in review” blogs that many of us are accustomed to seeing in various sections of the blogs were missing. But never fear! We’re working on getting you caught up in case you’ve missed some of the exciting blogs in education over the last several weeks. Did you read My Inner City Story? I started a series sharing some thoughts … Continue reading