Severe Reactions To Bug Bites

For one miserable summer when I was in elementary school, I had some bad reactions to mosquito bites. Two or more bites in a localized area and I would swell right up. The worst was the three bites on my cheek and forehead that swelled my left eye shut! Each time it happened, I ended up at the doctor’s office or in the emergency room for some heavy-duty antihistamines. And those shots always hurt! I’m lucky that my reactions weren’t worse — they were severe locally, but not system-wide. Systemic allergic reactions involve the whole body and usually are a … Continue reading

Home Remedies For Bug Bites

I managed to hold out until May to get my first mosquito bites. Unfortunately, the little pests managed to chomp me in the armpit — a somewhat embarrassing place to try to scratch! Mild reactions to insect bites can be quickly and easily treated at home. Deal with the bite itself as soon as possible: If a stinger (like from a bee or wasp) remains in the bite site, try to pull it out as soon as possible! Use a flat knife or other flat edge to scrape out the stinger; venom may remain in the stinger and can be … Continue reading

Treating Bug Bites

The local mosquitoes announced themselves to me over the weekend by leaving a line of bites up my newly bared legs. Just so I wouldn’t forget them, they also left gifts on my arms and neck. Thanks a lot, guys. Way to celebrate my first public appearance in a bathing suit! Hydrocortisone cream is always handy for taking the itch out of a bite or sting. You may also want to try a spritz of Bactine or another spray that includes a numbing agent. If you’re looking for a more natural treatment, turn to your aromatherapy supplies. Chamomile, cedarwood, eucalyptus, … Continue reading