The Right Tea for the Job

Tea is good for you in many ways! But there are lots of teas out there… so how do you choose the one that’s best for what’s ailing you? Alas, some teas make big claims and have small (if any) benefits. The coffee and tea aisle at the food store is full of all kinds of health remedies. And for some things, like stress, anxiety, PMS, and an upset stomach, tea can be the perfect cure. You usually don’t need to drink much — just one or two cups can relieve the problem. If you are feeling nauseated, bloated, or … Continue reading

The 108th Sheep – Ayano Imai

Emma is having a very hard time going to sleep. She’s tried everything. She’s had a nice glass of warm milk. She’s even read a whole stack of books (a girl after my own heart) but the exciting stories only made her feel more awake. Finally, she has an idea – she’ll count sheep. That should do the trick. But Emma’s counting doesn’t seem to work, either. When she reaches one hundred, she is still awake. So she keeps counting – but when she reaches one hundred and eight, the 108th sheep doesn’t appear. Instead, she feels a bump, and … Continue reading

How To Get More Sleep

It isn’t always easy to fit in enough bed time. A poll from the National Sleep Foundation found that sixty percent of women only manage a good night’s sleep a few days a week! Around half of all women polled feel like their lack of sleep is interfering with their daily activities. Here are some tips to help you squeeze more Zzz into your night. Prioritize. Yes, you’ve got tons of things to do… but how many of them can wait until tomorrow? An hour before bed, make a list of all the things you think you need to do … Continue reading

Why You Need More Sleep

I’m not sure if it’s the heat or what, but lately I’ve been dragging. The last few days, all I want to do is stay in bed! When the alarms go off, I hit snooze and head back to dreamland. Yes, I have two alarm clocks — one next to the bed, as a pre-waker-upper and one across the room so I actually do have to get out of bed. It usually works to get me up and moving. As if we need proof that more sleep is better for us than less sleep, here are a few great things … Continue reading

Are You A Caffeine Addict?

Does your family avoid you until you’ve had your first cup of coffee in the morning? Do you have trouble functioning without that morning jolt of caffeine? If you’re worried about your dependence on caffeine, you aren’t alone. Caffeine is quite possibly the most commonly used drug in the world. It alters mood and energy levels and can cause problems for your sleep patterns — and can be very hard to quit! You may not need to give up your beloved caffeine entirely, but there are lots of ways to cut back and still get your brain going in the … Continue reading

Counting Sheep May Not Work After All

The next time you have trouble sleeping, you might not want to bother calling out the mental sheep. A recent study from Oxford University in England studied the effectiveness of sheep-counting and found the technique lacking. Fifty insomniacs participated in the sleep study, which focused on distraction techniques. One group counted sheep; a second group was asked to visualize a relaxing, peaceful scene. A third group was given no instructions at all. Who fell asleep the fastest? The visualization group was the first in dreamland, by an average of twenty minutes. Why did the good old counting sheep let the … Continue reading

Eat Your Way To A Good Night’s Sleep

Having trouble sleeping? You aren’t alone. Nearly one in three Americans suffer from some form of insomnia! What you eat (and drink) may help ease your struggle with the sandman. First, eliminate the usual suspects… that means cut out the caffeine. Even decaf coffee and chocolate can contain small amounts of caffeine. It won’t be easy, but try cutting out caffeine entirely for two weeks. If you sleep better without caffeine, it may be time to say goodbye to coffee and sodas! Some people are more sensitive than others; experiment to see how much or how little affects you. You … Continue reading

Insomnia During Pregnancy

Insomnia is a common problem among pregnant women. About three quarters of all pregnant women suffer from insomnia at some point during the pregnancy. There are many causes of insomnia, such as anxiety and worry about having a baby. As much as you may want the baby, there are financial and other worries that can keep you awake at night. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help ensure a good night’s sleep. Lying in the bed and staring at the clock will only make insomnia worse. As the hours tick by, you may find yourself thinking about how … Continue reading

Needing Sleep?

To all you night owls out there and to those of you who just need some good sleep, this message is for you! I am a complete night owl. I could not go to bed until 2 a.m., sleep in to 11 a.m., wake up and feel great. Unfortunately for me, my family needs the structure of a “normal” day, waking at 7:30 a.m. This means I have to hit the sack no later than midnight to function the next day. I suppose I could just take a sleep aid before going to bed, but there are other things I’ve … Continue reading

Sleep Problems for the Elderly

Your sleep requirements and sleep patterns change throughout your life. But more than half of all older Americans have sleep problems that they think are a normal part of aging. They are NOT a normal part of aging, and the elderly shouldn’t have to suffer with sleep problems. Side effects of sleep problems: Memory loss Decreased ability to concentrate Impaired function (physically and mentally) Higher risk of falls and accidents Moodiness and depression How do you help a beloved friend or family member get a good night’s sleep? Keep a week-long diary that tracks wake-up time and bedtime, plus timing … Continue reading