Do You Drive a Honda? Free Inspections in April

Back in my single days, I had a gentleman friend who drove a Honda Prelude. I loved to drive it because it handled real well and sat pretty low to the ground. Though I’m more of the SUV or truck type of person, it was a lot of fun to take curves a little tighter than I might otherwise have done. We’d drive down Mulholland just for fun. Hondas are fun little cars. They don’t fit our current lifestyle as well as what we have, but most Honda owners I’ve known seem to be pretty satisfied with their cars. They’re … Continue reading

Shopping for Real Estate? Don’t Fall in Love

The title may give a different impression than what is intended. It’s not suggesting that you avoid falling in love with another person, rather that you avoid falling in love with a piece of real estate. It may sound silly, but it happens every day. Buying real estate can be a great investment both financially and emotionally, but that doesn’t mean making an emotional decision will be beneficial. Try to keep an open mind, even if the home or property you’re viewing seems perfect. It may look like your dream home, white picket fence and all, but don’t let that … Continue reading