Adoptive Parents’ Stages of Thinking about Adoption and Race

My last blog talked about the stages of thinking adopted children sometimes go through as conceptualized by Beth Hall and Gail Steinberg in their book Inside Transracial Adoption. In this blog I’ll summarize a few of their thoughts about the stages adoptive parents go through in their thinking. In the Pre-Conscious Stage, parents believe that the people they know will not have biases based on race or adoption. They are excited about adoption, perhaps feeling it is a noble calling, but basically believe their family will be the same as any other—love is all they’ll need. They believe that race … Continue reading

Activities That Teach – #6 Crash Pad!

Do you have a kid who likes to smash into things? Does he bump, jump, and flop? Does she twirl and plop? Then this crash pad will be a blast! The crash pad is a large over-stuffed pillow for jumping, falling, and landing on. The purpose of it (yes there is one—outside of just plain fun) is to provide therapy for kids with sensory integration dysfunction. The jolt of landing on the pad provides deep pressure to muscles and joints. Rolling and leaping on the pad gives vestibular input. Rubbing against fabric provides tactile input. What is sensory integration dysfunction … Continue reading