Musical Interests

I am very pleased that my son is already interested in music. My entire family plays musical instruments and sings and I am happy that my son has shown an interest as well. It doesn’t seem to matter what genre of music is playing, my son is singing, dancing or humming along with any music that he hears. He sings the theme song to television shows and listens to the radio in the car. He loves dancing to the music on different cartoons and movies. Over the weekend, we went to hear some of my family play music. It was … Continue reading

Show an Interest in What People Do and Say

We periodically talk about different communication techniques tips for building relationships with prospects, clients, customers and colleagues here in the Home Business blog. After all, even if your small business has you interacting with only a few people, how you interact is still going to be crucial. A key communication technique that you can apply to any area of your life is to show a genuine interest in what others do and say. You notice that I stuck the word “genuine” in there? That means that people can tell the difference between someone who is actually listening to what they … Continue reading

Interest and Readiness are Not the Same Things

As a parent, it can be hard to figure out when is the right time to introduce new skills or expectations with our children. When do we introduce solids? When do we start to potty-train? “When?” tends to be the big question that parents are constantly asking themselves. One good indicator of when a child is ready to take on a new skill or make a developmental leap is when they start to express and interest. It is important to remember, however, that interest does not always mean that the child is ready. A child might start reaching for solid … Continue reading

Is This an Interest or an Obsession?

Interests and passions drive our home businesses—if it is not something we can get excited about, then it is usually tough to stay motivated and involved. However, there are those times when something that interests us or something for which we hold a healthy passion—can cross over and become a stressful obsession… Who among us hasn’t heard of those stories of stalkers and “follies”—those projects that were ill-fated but the passionate individual just couldn’t let go until he or she was ruined? It can be hard to draw the line and figure out if you are really just passionately involved … Continue reading

The Curious Child

Curiosity is a good thing, right? For those of us who have had one or more super-curious children, we might not be so sure. Of course we want our children to have a healthy interest in the world, but what do you do when you are raising an incredibly curious child? How do you keep her intellectually stimulated, answer all those questions, and keep her safe at the same time? Most children have a natural interest in the world around them and are eager to head off exploring as soon as they are able. This is why we are all … Continue reading

Are You Managing Your Money or Is It Managing You?

Do you manage your money or does it manage you? Stop and really think about that. Do you decide where your money goes? Does your money work for you? Do you make enough on interest and other forms of income that you could stop working today? Of do you work for your money? Do you worry about meeting your minimum payments each month? Are you making interest or paying interest? The way you answered these questions really reflects the way you feel about money. If you are in a lot of debt or can barely pay for your necessities, your … Continue reading

Cut up Your Credit Cards

I’m not even sure what interests rates are right now, because I don’t use credit cards. I do know that most are somewhere around 20% unless the credit card company is conducting a special offer. Let’s just say 20% since it’s a nice round number. That means for every $100.00 you borrow, you’ll have to repay at least $120.00. That adds up quickly! Many American families spend beyond their means and are currently experiencing dangerous levels of credit card debt. Once a family or an individual gets to a certain point, there is no easy way to resolve the debt. … Continue reading

Time to Pay the Bills

When the bills begin to pile up many families are forced to decide which ones take precedence over the others. Sometimes, we just can’t pay everything on time. You don’t want the power or the water to get shut off, but you don’t want to pay those exorbitant late fees that accrue on other bills either. If at all possible, try to pay those which add high late fees first. Call utility companies and see if you can get an extension or make other payment arrangements so you can pay another bill now and pay the utility company later. Many … Continue reading