Are You Interesting or Boring as a Business Owner?

In general, I find that when I am explaining the sort of work that I do to other people, they think it sounds far more fascinating and “fun” that it actually is. I think this is fairly typical—other jobs can sound much more interesting than ours since we know all the drudgery and details that go into a typical work day for us. Still, people are much more likely to want to do business with those people whom they perceive as being interesting and happy with the work they are doing. Are we sending a message to our clients and … Continue reading

Keeping Kids on their Toes

I love to challenge my daughter. I challenge her to think differently, express herself, be confident and in numerous other subtle ways as well. I really enjoy keeping her on her toes so that she, and we, does not become too predictable in our choices, movements and actions. Because we are creatures of habit and because the daily routines of everyday life can often feel, to be frank, really boring over time, I started to think about ways I could mix it up from time to time, ever so subtly, and keep my girl guessing and thinking. It started innocuously … Continue reading