Make Your Own Accent Tables

If you have trouble finding an accent table you like, if you can’t afford one, or if you simply enjoy making your own furnishings and accessories, try these ideas for constructing your own accent tables. Spindle Table Look for spindles from old stairway railings at salvage centers and antique stores, or purchase new ones from a home center. Pick up pre-cut wood rounds or squares while at the home improvement center or cut your own from furniture grade plywood. Drill pilot holes for all screws in this project, and once screws are in place, cover with a bit of wood … Continue reading

Adapting Your Home Environment to Minimize Behavior Problems

As children grow, they constantly test the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Special-needs children, who may be easily over-stimulated or agitated by their surroundings, are in even greater need of structure and a controlled environment. As a parent, you can help dramatically decrease your child’s outbursts, tantrums, and other difficult behaviors by taking charge of the physical surroundings in your home. 1. Create a “free play” space for your child. Find a safe place in your home that you can set apart as your child’s free territory to explore. Put down a child-friendly carpet to help designate the area … Continue reading