Loved into the Kingdom

For those of you interested in writing, here’s an interview with Anne Lamott. I learned about it through the Writing Life newsletter which I receive. I have Anne’s book ‘Bird by Bird -some instructions on writing and life.’ Like many books I own which I refer to time and time again, I’ve highlighted many passages. I don’t know if it was in that book or another interview but I remember Anne saying was that she was, ‘loved into the kingdom.’ Certainly in the acknowledgements in ‘Bird by Bird’ she says – ‘I do not think I’d even be alive if … Continue reading

Saying Good-bye and Good Luck

This is my last post as a blogger at I just wanted to write a simple thank you to those who have been reading my words for the last several years. I have truly enjoyed my time here, and I’ve really felt blessed, as I have shared my testimony of the gospel. I have grown tremendously as I have studied the scriptures more deeply, and I have gained a better understanding of the blessings that the gospel brings into our lives. The years that I have spent writing here have not been the easiest for me personally. My family … Continue reading

Talking Cats, Ferrets, and Writing with Ed Lynskey

I’ve never met my next interviewee in person, but we’ve had an acquaintance via writing that’s spanned a few years now. Back when I was editor for the now defunct EWG Presents, he submitted a couple of stories that I published. Unbeknownst to him, I’ve followed his burgeoning career. (Which I always knew was going to take off one day. He’s quite talented!) But after I interviewed Jeff Cohen, Ed wrote me and informed me we had another love besides writing in common: pets. Thus, an interview was born… Courtney Mroch: What kind of things do you write about? (Genre, … Continue reading

Book Review: Birth is More Than Once

Birth is More Than Once: The Inner World of Adopted Korean Children was written by Hei Sook Park Wilkinson, Ph.D. Wilkinson is a clinical psychologist. She has been in private practice and also consulted with hospitals and human development centers. Besides her psychology background, she has another source of insight into the inner worlds of children adopted from Korea. Wilkinson herself is Korean. While she was not adopted, she shares the experience of moving to a new country with a new language in which she is a racial minority. In addition, while she was a student in Korea she volunteered … Continue reading

Book Review: A Euro-American on a Korean Tour at a Thai Restaurant in China

The uniqueness of A Euro-American on a Korean Tour at a Thai Restaurant in China is that adoptive parent Chris Winston has not only encouraged her children to feel pride in their Korean heritage, but has made connections with Koreans and Korean-Americans on a scale most adoptive parents have only dimly imagined. Winston helped to begin both Friends of Korea, a regional group (in Sacramento) for adoptive families that welcomes anyone interested in Korea, and the Korean American Adoptee/Adoptive Family Network (KAAN), a national networking organization linking groups and individuals concerned with adoption from Korea. Winston and her husband had … Continue reading

Author Interview – Michele Paige Holmes on Critique Groups

We are joined again today by award-winning LDS author, Michele Paige Holmes. If you missed yesterday’s installment, you can click here to catch up. Michele, thanks for being here with us again today. You are in a critique group with several other well-known LDS authors. How important is a critique group to the writing process? I wouldn’t be published without my critique group. They have been and continue to be the single best thing I’ve ever done or can do to further my writing. I’m grateful for the imagination and talent God blessed me with, but after I’ve done my … Continue reading

Author Interview – Michele Paige Holmes

Today we are joined by one of the brightest new stars on the LDS fiction market, Michele Paige Holmes. Michele, thank you for being here today. Your novel “Counting Stars” won the first-ever Whitney Award for Women’s Fiction. I have to ask, what did that feel like? After the initial shock (and it was a shock—I mean, Stephanie Meyer . . . come on!), it felt wonderful. It was especially sweet to share the moment with my husband who has supported me in my writing endeavors for a very long time. You tried several different publishers on the national market … Continue reading

Challenges Are Good For Us

Challenges in the Christian life can be good for us. Why? Because we know if the challenge is not something we would normally feel comfortable taking on and doing, then the only way to get accomplish it victoriously is to rely on God. The harder the challenge, the more we need to depend on God and that is always a good thing. Too often when faced with a challenge we can allow difficulties or problems to distract us and cause us to give up. One of the things we can allow to affect us is past failures. Recently I went … Continue reading

You Know You Are a Blogger When . . .

Let’s face it, we all like to blog. And those of us who don’t yet blog are just bloggers in embryo – sooner or later, you, too, will be infected. After all, it’s a great way to keep in touch with family and friends, and share ideas. But it can go a bit too far. Here are some of the warning signs: You know you’re a blogger when everything you hear sounds like a blog topic to you. From an overheard conversation in a grocery store that becomes a blog about the importance of price checking, to a comment your … Continue reading

Writing About What You Do

Promoting a business often means telling the story about what you do and what your business is all about. Many business owners feel comfortable doing just about anything EXCEPT writing. Whether you fear your spelling skills or seize up when you see a blank screen or piece of paper, it might be that writing about what you do is the hardest thing you have to face as a business owner. Since this can be such a great way of promoting your business, however, it might be worth your while to learn how to write about what you do. Writing articles … Continue reading