Interval Training With Your Treadmill

Yes, we’re talking about treadmills and walking again today. As boring as walking in place may seem to be when you are looking at your fitness options, the treadmill is only as boring as you make it. It’s my opinion that the treadmill offers you a wealth of options, you just have to take advantage of them. So let’s talk about interval training on your treadmill today. Interval training is becoming a real hot trend in modern fitness because it increases the number of calories you burn and can actually substantially increase your fitness regimen overall. This is how it … Continue reading

Interval Training & More

Rugby is a sport that’s actually catching on in the States and it’s funny, when I was growing up – I knew what Rugby was along with Cricket because I spent time in England with our family there, but most of my friends had no idea what it was. As it is – soccer is not football in the United States and that’s that. But if you are interested in learning more about training for rugby, here are a few suggestions. Rugby is a great sport where interval training comes in handy. Interval training requires heavy bouts of work separated … Continue reading

Put the Gloves On

Interested in trying something different? A good home workout routine you might decide to engage in is boxing. While boxing may not be a first choice as a form of exercise for a fitness program – it can be a lot of fun. Yes, pugilism is about fighting, but boxing isn’t necessarily about hammering on another person until they cannot stand up. It doesn’t mean blacking an eye or hurting anyone else. Instead, it’s about building up a fitness regimen that is different and if it holds your interest can improve your personal fitness levels. What Do You Need? So … Continue reading

Happy Valentine’s Day – Cardio Crash Course

We talk about cardio a lot. Cardiovascular exercises are fundamental in any fitness program as it helps you to lose weight, build heart and lung strength as well as increases circulation and overall endurance. Cardio is also one of the ‘easier’ sets of exercises to perform because you are using large muscle groups and you can set the pace yourself. Here are four cardio fast-track tricks that you can use to increase your own performance during cardio exercises: Interval Training – At periodic intervals you increase speed or intensity for short periods of time. For example, you warm up for … Continue reading

Maximizing Caloric Burn While Walking

Walking is a preferred exercise for recovering athletes, kids, and the elderly and young moms with kids. Load the baby up in the stroller and get walking. It can be done anywhere from the mall to the sidewalk to the office. Walking requires no special equipment, just a good pair of shoes and some comfortable clothes. Best of all, walking is something you do all day long ANYWAY, so it’s hardly something that you need to just ‘start’ doing. So how can you make your walk burn more? Here are a few tips: · Walk Faster · Go Uphill · … Continue reading