Interview Waiting Room Etiquette

If you are lucky enough to land an interview for a job you want, don’t blow it all before you even get a chance inside. Here are some truths that might seem to be self-evident, but people sometimes take stupid pills and do these things. You shouldn’t. Avoid the following behavior. This means you! Flirting with Staff. If you are a guy, don’t flirt with the female receptionist or assume you can call her by her first name just because you are all dressed up and looking cute. Ms, or Miss or Mrs, whatever, is the proper way to address … Continue reading

Some More No-Nos During An Interview

A successful interview involves many factors. Two important ones are being honest about your past and researching the company beforehand so that you can navigate the questions beforehand. The more you know, the better equipped you will be. Avoid some of the following and if Mr. Murphy doesn’t have it out for you, you will do well: 1. Don’t turn down a glass of water or cup of coffee if offered. Take it even if you don’t want it, haven’t been thirsty in a very log time and/ or break out in hives from either or both). To accept puts … Continue reading

The Art of The Interview: Some Things Not To Do

Whether you are about to be interviewed by a vampire, former king of France or just the run-of-the-mill office personnel manager, there are some things that you should never do. While some of these tips might seem as obvious as not sitting for an length of time on the railroad tracks, you would be surprised at how many of the following things have actually been committed by either people I know or people I read about (that may have been committed). So a word to the wise and avoid the following if you can. 1. Never bring your dog or … Continue reading

Job Interview Tips

The job interview offers you what may be your first and only chance to make a great impression on a prospective employer. 1. Start by being punctual. It is wise to arrive just a few minutes early. Too early isn’t good either, but late says you don’t care too much about the job, about the interviewer’s time, or about being on time for work should you be hired. 2. Dress impeccably. Don’t overdo it with flashy colors, too much jewelry, or overly expensive attire, but dress smart and stylishly. Pay attention to detail. Take the time to press your shirt … Continue reading