Tips for Parenting Introverted Kids

Do you feel that your child is exceptionally quiet? This can be somewhat confusing for parents who are naturally extroverted. How do you raise a child who is very different from yourself? Here are some tips to help extroverted parents raise introverted kids. What is an introvert? People who are introverted prefer to be by themselves (or, sometimes, with one or two very close friends.) Being in a crowd of people, or forced to attend a party, can be overwhelming to introverted people. To “recharge”, an introvert will need to spend some time alone. Extroverted parents might feel the need … Continue reading

Creating a Positive Preschool Environment for Your Quiet Child

I was a quiet child. It took me years to develop enough self-esteem to stand up to bullies. I remember being bullied from an early age. This started in very early elementary school, likely kindergarten, and continued far into high school. My daughter is a similarly quiet sort, except at home, of course. As we prepare to enter public school next year, I have thought a lot about the ways in which our current preschool helps to create an environment that reduces bullying. Preschoolers are just learning social skills – many adults are still learning these skills! But they do … Continue reading