Mormons and Divorce – Part Three: When Sin is Not Involved

We spoke last time about reasons for divorce that involve sin on the part of either the husband or wife. Today I’d like to discuss marriages that fail not because of sin, but for other reasons. Most of the time, when a marriage fails and sin is not an issue, the couple cites “irreconcilable differences” on the divorce decree. This covers a broad spectrum of issues including money problems, sexual problems, no longer wanting to be married, and no longer seeing eye-to-eye on important issues. The good news is, most of these problems can be fixed, if both partners in … Continue reading

Our Not So Irreconcilable Differences

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our tenth anniversary. Over dinner he asked if it’s been everything I hoped it would be. My honest answer was, “Yes, and it gets better every year.” Trust me, we’ve had our differences, but my husband and I decided before we got married that divorce was not an option. When we made our vows to each other and to God, we entered into a covenant. No amount of “Irreconcilable differences” would tear us apart. As it turns out, most of our differences weren’t irreconcilable. When you are committed to somebody, you do whatever it … Continue reading