My Top 5 Animal Loving Role Models

For National Inspirational Role Model Month (which November is) over in Marriage I wrote about my favorite TV wives as role models from the 1950s thru the 1970s and 1980s thru the present. Here in Pets I’d like to do something similar: list those people involved with animals who influenced me to love and care for them like I do. 1. My dad, Ralph Mroch: My dad’s got to have one of the most tender hearts towards animals of anyone in my family. As I wrote about in Where My Compassion for Animals Comes From, I get my love of … Continue reading

In Memoriam: Jacques Cousteau

“When you dive, you begin to feel that you’re an angel.” ~Jacques Cousteau Before there was the “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin, there was Jacques Cousteau. Heck, the Steve Irwin’s of the world may have come to be because of Jacques Cousteau. Ten years ago today, June 25, 1997, Commander Cousteau (as he was known to many around the world), succumbed to a heart attack and died. I wanted to write to honor him today because I remember “The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau” and how it captivated my then young mind and imagination. His passion and love for the water … Continue reading