Coming Home: Don’t Underestimate Jet Lag!

The first day we brought our one-year-old daughter home from Korea, we were pleased that she fell asleep at 8 p.m., just like our three-year-old son. “This is great,” we thought in our ignorance. Then a couple of hours later, my husband and I were just getting into bed when she screamed, panicked from waking in an unfamiliar place. “Oh, no,” we said as it slowly dawned on us. “That was her afternoon nap!” Sure enough, she was awake until five o’clock in the morning. You’d think that having just returned from Korea ourselves we would have remembered that we’d … Continue reading

Hotel Stories From a Seasoned Traveler

After traveling all over the world for thirty years, I have plenty of stories about strange events occurring. Some of these things happened in or around hotels. Many years ago, I was staying in a high rise hotel in Akron, Ohio, that had a fire. It was early in the evening and I was lying on the bed watching the television after a long day. The fire alarm started ringing loudly. I walked to the door and looked out. The man in the next room was doing the same thing. He looked at me and said, “They don’t have fire … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits—News You Can Use Regarding Jet Lag, Long Security Lines and Frequent Flier Miles

Can Chronic Jet Lag Kill? If the answer to that question is “yes” then I know a few people who are close to kicking the bucket. In all seriousness, recent tests on mice suggest that chronic jet lag and other behavior involving sharp light-cycle changes, like rotating shift work, could shorten a person’s lifetime. The study done by University of Virginia scientists found that disrupting the circadian rhythms (the 24-hour physiological cycle of humans and many animals) for test mice increased the mortality of especially older mice. During the course of the study the scientists adjusted the light-cycle of the … Continue reading

Tips To Avoid Travel Woes

August has always been a busy travel month for our family. We celebrate two birthdays a week during the month of August; it is also the unofficial “last month of summer;” and August is traditionally a great time to find end of the summer travel deals. If you have waited this long to take your family vacation, you certainly don’t want it ruined by motion sickness or jet lag. Whereas some vacationers simply consider jet lag and motion sickness “downsides” of traveling, there are ways you can reduce, or in some cases prevent them from happening to you. JET LAG … Continue reading