When Your Ring No Longer Fits

It happened very quickly. I woke up one morning and my hands felt slightly stiff. As I curled my fingers and tried to make a fist I realized they felt… fat. I managed to turn on the light, only to see what looked like someone else’s hand, with fingers that could only be described as marshmallows. Ah, pregnancy induced edema: it’s not just “cankles” you have to worry about. The part that bothered me the most was the fact that my wedding ring no longer fit. I don’t wear a lot of rings, but my wedding ring is very special … Continue reading

Is “Mother” Jewelry Insensitive?

A while ago, there was a debate on a listserv for parents who’d adopted from Korea. It was triggered by an advertisement for jewelry with the Korean letters spelling “omani”. Many adoptive mothers embrace wearing the jewelry as a part of honoring their Korean-American children’s birth culture. But one writer, after wearing the jewelry for years, imagined herself meeting her child’s birthmother while she was wearing the “umma” bracelet. Would the jewelry cause pain to the birth mother? Would it seem to be a usurpation of a role as Korean mother that the adoptive mother was not? Heated debate ensued … Continue reading

A Wedding Ring for Your Man?

Trends come and go in marriage as they do in other aspects of life. In my parent’s generation, the men never wore wedding rings. If you look around at many elderly men you will see few wedding rings. By the time we Mick and I married there was so starting to change. Yet, even in my husband’s age group one time I looked around the guys we were with, some of whom were a few years younger than us, and Mick was he only man wearing a wedding ring. Mick is not one for wearing jewelry apart from his watch, … Continue reading

The Case of the Missing Earring 3

This is a three-part series. Although it concerns the events of mostly one day, the story is divided into three. You can only get so much of a good thing at one time. Plus, I like threes. I hope you will come back each day to read it all. I moved the bed and examined the floor again in daylight. Nothing. Finally I did the old pantyhose vacuum trick. I sacrificed a stocking in my efforts. The gremlins, having the stocking draw called to attention decided to explore that as well, turning stocking and pantyhose into rope for tug-of-war. Yes, … Continue reading

A Little Spoiling Goes a Long Way

In Mary Ann’s blog she wrote about electing to buy sensible practical gifts for people in hard times and some of you shared your crafty projects. While I can see it makes economic sense to be practical, one of the things I love about my husband is that he doesn’t buy me things for the house and practical gifts. I would hate that! The thing is he knows home well He knows I like pretty things. They don’t have to be expensive. They do have to be pretty or fun. We try and make our gifts to each other – … Continue reading

Metal Allergies

Do you have a metal allergy? If wearing earrings, bracelets, necklaces, or rings makes you itchy, you just might. Metal allergies are more frequently seen in women than in men. The most common cause of a metal allergy is nickel. Nickel is pretty pervasive — it is even found in trace amounts in soil, water, and air. It is in some detergents and makeup. Certain foods have a high nickel content, too. Whole wheat, legumes, chocolate, tea, and many canned foods have a high nickel content. Loose change doesn’t have much actual nickel content, but can cause an allergic reaction … Continue reading

The Power of Feeling with The Braille Ring

I have great sympathy for anyone who has a disability. There are so many things in life that I take for granted that I never realize others miss out on. I usually never give a second though to the things that are simple to me like matching the color of my clothing in the mornings, pushing my children on a swing, and listening to music in my car. However, these things do come so easy for some. Like the other things, I had never really thought about people who have never seen their wedding dress or their husband’s face or … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Jewelry

A scrapbooker is always on the lookout for any fun gifts or gadgets that show off their love of scrapbooking. With each passing day, dozens of items have made their debut on the scrapbooking gifts circuit. Just look at the great jewelery items I found. Penny Michelle carries some of the gorgeous pieces you see below. She has these pieces for sale on her website, but she also takes special orders. You can customize what type of piece you would like, and what items you would like it made with. She has dozens of designs that are for scrapbookers and … Continue reading

Diamonds and Danger – Lynn Gardner

Bart and Allison have been married for two weeks and are trying to enjoy their honeymoon. Everything in the world, literally, has happened to keep them from settling in to a routine, and they’ve been on the run since before they said “I do.” Now it would appear that Scarlotti, the evil assassin who tried to kill Allison in the last book, didn’t really die and is now ready to finish the job. While Bart is investigating a rash of small crimes in San Francisco, Allison creates a hypothesis: what if the little crimes are being committed to keep the … Continue reading

Celebrity Inspired Valentine’s Gifts—-How To Get Your Hands On A $10,000 Sharpie

Still looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your special someone? If your sweetheart is on a diet (so much for that 5-pound box of chocolates) or is allergic to flowers (nix the cactus idea), then consider consulting a celebrity. The following items stray from the traditional “Love Day” gift ideas. They are unique trinkets and the money from their sales go to help various celebrity-backed charities. Talk about the gift that keeps giving… Celebrity Edition Sharpie What has 66 Hearts on Fire diamonds, 1,300 Swarovski crystals, and writes upside down? Why a celebrity edition Sharpie, of course. The … Continue reading