Tips If You Don’t Get Along

Yesterday we looked at the situation where your son or daughter falls in love with and marries someone you don’t like. If that is the case what can you do? Don’t put them in a situation where they have to choose between you and the family or the new love. Invariably they will choose the one they are in love with and you will find yourself not seeing them at all. Is that really what you want? I don’t think so. Remember that you have something in common. You both love the same person and want what’s best for them. … Continue reading

Doing the Jitterbug

This is not actually about doing the Jitterbug because I am not even sure how to do it. This concerns dancing, any kind of dancing just as long as you keep on moving to the music. You actually do not even need to have music if you have a good imagination. You can just hum along or remember the tune, as it plays in your head. Dancing is a great way to get in shape and stay in shape. It is easy. It requires no equipment. It burns calories. It burns about 340 calories in an hour. Granted, you might … Continue reading