Exploring All Your Options

Whether you are looking for new job or have been in the same career for twenty years, it is still important to explore your options. Start with some self-assessment: * Make a list of your interests and values. Compare these to your current situation. * Then make a list of your most important skills. Prioritize them in an order where the ones you most enjoy using are at the top. * Make a list of skills you want to learn or training that interests you. * Write down all your past and present jobs. Under each one, identify what you … Continue reading

College Majors and Jobs

Often when college students select a major, they are not usually thinking beyond graduation to the job or career it might lead. When I worked as a counselor years ago in a college, I met up with many seniors who were switching their majors. They realized that the major they thought they wanted as freshman, was not going to get them the job they wanted when they graduated. At the time, they felt stressed and worried about life after college. However, when it comes to college work, there is rarely any lost time. Few jobs involve only one subject area, … Continue reading